The article announced that Diana, an amazing US psychic, was to focus on Queensland at noon that Sunday.  If we readers were also to concentrate at noon, holding a spoon or fork, whilst staring into the eyes of the accompanying photograph of the psychic, we could discover our own powers.

I devoured the story, soaking up the instructions and realised I would need to clear the house of all negative vibes. This meant my husband, The Great Sceptic, must be persuaded to go out with the children. I knew I would not be able to concentrate if I could feel his cynicism close at hand.  I cunningly discussed the idea of seeing a movie within earshot of the youngest and, true to form, after considerable nagging on her part, he caved and had the brilliant idea of taking the girls to the movies.

By 11.45am I was sure I had everything ready.  I went over the instructions again, so I would be sure not to omit any important step.  As well as a sturdy, unbent spoon, on a tray on my lap, I had my late mother-in-law’s broken watch and several bent pins; working on the theory that if something can be bent, it could be “unbent”.

I settled quietly in the lounge chair and at last it was noon.  I followed the instructions precisely, staring into Diana’s eyes for a minute or two, then closed my own while holding the spoon. A few minutes later, I could hardly contain my surprise as I felt the spoon warm and twist in my grasp.  Opening my eyes, I found it had twisted several times. As well, the watch was ticking loudly and the pins were quite straight.

Although I had always believed in such things, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had always felt this sort of thing only worked for other people. But now it was happening to me.  Amazement had me shaking like a leaf. Just as I thought of phoning my sister to share the news with her, I felt a nudge on the shoulder.

“Look, look, look,” said a disembodied voice in my ear.  I was puzzled to see my husband’s face.

Disorientated at first, I realised I must have fallen asleep after staring into Diana’s eyes. I checked the tray on my lap and there was my “proof”, exactly as it had been before noon!  I must have dreamed the whole thing.  Disillusioned, I was in no mood to look at whatever The Great Sceptic had to show me.

“I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself,” he was saying. “Look at this!” He waved his car keys in my face.

“During the movie, I was thinking about how you’d be staring into that woman’s eyes and I was jingling the keys in my pocket.  They started to feel warm but I didn't think much of it until we got to the car and I took them out.  Then I saw that the bent one was straight!  Look.  I couldn't wait to get home to show you.”

Other people......

Originally published in The Women's Weekly February 1994 © SMG


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